
Best Paid Jobs in the UK

Best Paying Jobs in the UK
Best Paying Jobs and Worst Paying Jobs in the UK - this article was first published here - best paying jobs

Anybody trying to find a job in the UK will know that living costs are horrendously high. Housing, transport (in London you pay £4 ($7) to travel 4 stops on the underground and a 4 mile bus journey in Bristol costs you £7 ($11) return), energy (petrol i.e. 'gas' costs around $8 a US gallon - 138p per litre) all cost an arm and a leg (and gas and electricity have just gone up another 20%) and yet wages are not particularly high and you hand over a minimum of 25% to the government before you even get paid, in the form of taxes and national insurance payments.

A recent survey by the Office for National Statistics shows annual average wages for full-time employees rose by 2.6% to £25,800 ($41,280) in 2009 (that seems high as there are lots of people who earn a lot less).
Highest Paying Jobs in the UK

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Highest Paying Jobs in the UK

The current economic crisis is making job hunting even more difficult of course and it means that people have less bargaining power when it comes to trying to get wage increases. I have also heard that big companies like Microsoft are paying 'American' wages to employees in the UK. That may sound good but it is actually bad, as American wages are generally lower than UK wages as the cost of living in the States is, surprisingly, lower than in the UK. But when you think that US products are sold in the UK for 50% higher than in the US e.g. if something costs $200 in the US then in the UK it will be £200, as it is so much easier to just change the currency sign without actually changing the amount and also, as mentioned above, gas (petrol) costs over $7 a gallon in the UK, then it is not so surprising ! So go for a high-paying job and try to insist on a high starting salary if you can !

However this hubpage is not here to waffle on about prices, but to show you, if you are looking to find a job, which are the top ten best paid jobs and the top ten worst paid jobs in the UK. So here they are ! If you don't want a job but quite fancy the idea of making money online without buying some guys ebook then check out make money online for free

1. Directors and CEOs of major organisations.

Average annual salary: £115,576 ($184,920) [I would have expected more, but this doesn't include bonuses]

Jobs such as : CEO, company director, general manager, managing director (of major organisations).

2. Medical practitioners

Average annual salary: £78,366 ($125,385)

Jobs such as : Anaesthetist, hospital consultant, doctor, GP, psychiatrist, physician, registrar, psycho-analyst, surgeon.

3. Senior officials in national government

Average annual salary: £68,283 ($109,252)

Jobs such as : Assistant secretary, MEP (Member of European Parliament), MP (Member of Parliament- UK), diplomat, permanent secretary.

4. Brokers

Average annual salary: £61,117 ($97,787)

Jobs such as : Commodity trader, foreign exchange dealer, financial broker, shipbroker, insurance broker, stockbroker.

5. Air traffic controllers

Average annual salary: £60,548

Jobs such as : Air traffic controller, flight planner, controller of aircraft, ground movement controller.

6. Financial managers and chartered secretaries

Average annual salary: £58,295 ($93,272)

Jobs such as : Company registrar, credit manager, company treasurer, financial director, finance manager, merchant banker.

7. Senior officials in local government

Average annual salary: £55,921 ($88,465)

Job titles include: Chief executive of local government, town clerk.

8. Police officers (inspectors and above)

Average annual salary: £53,937 ($86,299)

Job titles include: Assistant chief constable, chief inspector, chief constable, chief superintendent, deputy chief constable.

9. IT strategy and planning professionals

Average annual salary: £50,143 ($80,228)

Jobs such as: Computer consultant, software consultant.

10. Solicitors and lawyers, judges and coroners [I'm surprised and even incredulous to see the legal profession so far down the pecking order ! ] In fact I was so incredulous that I did some further research. Clearly these figures can only be true if you include everybody working in the legal profession when working out the average,i.e. even secretaries and tea ladies !! Judges in the UK earn anything up to £236,000 ($377,600) so the 'average' shown below is clearly an average and gives no indication of how much lawyers and judges earn. M'lud.

Average annual salary: £48,908 ($78,252)

Jobs such as : Articled clerk, coroner, barrister, judge, solicitor.
Lowest paying jobs

1. Waiters and waitresses

Average annual salary: £11,930 ($19,088)

2. Bar staff ($19,088)

Average annual salary: £11,930

3. Kitchen and catering assistants

Average annual salary: £12,410 ($19,856)

Jobs such as : Canteen assistant, counterhand, catering assistant, kitchen assistant, dining room assistant, kitchen porter, washer-up.

4. Travel and tour guides

Average annual salary: £12,561 ($20,097)

Jobs such as: Coach guide, escort, courier for tour operator, guide

5. Launderers, dry cleaners, pressers

Average annual salary: £12,657

Jobs such as : Carpet cleaner, garment presser, dry cleaner, laundry worker.

6. Retail cashiers and check-out operators

Average annual salary: £12,736

Jobs such as : Cashier, forecourt attendant, check-out operator, petrol pump attendant, restaurant cashier.

7. Leisure and theme park attendants

Average annual salary: £12,767

Job titles include: Arcade attendant, funfair attendant, fairground worker, usher/usherette.

8. Hairdressers and related occupations

Average annual salary: £13,194

Jobs such as : Barber, hairdresser, beautician, manicurist, make-up artist, slimming consultant, barber.

9. Cleaners, domestics

Average annual salary: £13,807

Jobs such as : Car valeter, cleaner, chambermaid, domestic cleaner.

10. Nursery Nurses

Average annual salary: £13,872

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